A quartet for Editta Braun Company
In a state of limbo. A forgotten or ignored state. An uncertain condition that you can’t control. A situation in which you don’t know what or when something will happen. The whole doesn‘t exist, you can only find fragments. A quartet commissioned for Editta Braun Company.
Choreography: Maria Koliopoulou
Performers: Sonia Borkowicz, Martyna Lorenc, Jerca Rožnik Novak, Jacqueline Schiller
Music composition: Trumpetancy von Pina Bounce
Dramaturg: Gerda Poschmann Reichenau
Light design: Stefan Ebelsberger
Artistic direction / Photos: Editta Braun
Editta Braun company production
Premier: 21 October 2017, Argekultur Salzburg
Project gallery